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Population: 49.14m
GDP: $26.87bn
Debt: 280.3% GDP (2024)

news from Sudan

Category: all

Found 564 articles.

Displaying 241-250 out of 564 results.

No referee for the referenda

Khartoum is determined to block January’s referenda; the South is determined to hold them

Four months before the scheduled referenda that would decide Sudan’s future borders, the ruling National Congress Party in Khartoum is now openly saying that a ‘credible’ referendu...

Strategy of sabotage

The National Congress Party employs a variety of tactics to sabotage January’s referenda. Because a 60% quorum (of a still undefined electorate) is needed and a 51% vote for or aga...

Under no circumstances

When Awad Ahmed el Jaz told a National Congress Party youth meeting on 1 August that the separation of the South 'cannot be allowed under any circumstances', it was no slip of the ...

Secret talks

Egypt has quietly accepted that Southern Sudanese may choose independence in January's referendum in return for assurances that the Juba government will not abandon the 1959 Nile W...

Crisis cabinets

The new teams in Khartoum and Juba will face a tense six months before the referendum – and the threat of a war that some want and many expect

The message from the new government in Khartoum is that the National Congress Party is in full control and intends to stay there. The message from the new Government of Southern Su...

The international agenda

The most dramatic military-security appointment is of Ali Ahmed Kurti as full Foreign Affairs Minister (he was previously State Minister). He is best known for establishing the Pop...

Flash point Southern Kordofan

Amid complaints of Khartoum’s meddling and the SPLM’s betrayal, how South Kordofan reacts will be critical to the referenda in January

The rerun of the population census in South Kordofan next week will highlight another flash point in Sudan’s shaky North-South peace agreement ahead of the referenda on self-determ...

Militias of the new age

In the seven short months before January’s independence referendum, militias in the South’s oil-producing areas – Upper Nile, Jonglei and Unity states – will be one of the main cha...

Oily alliances

A new oil consortium operating in Darfur brings together private Arab, Gabonese and Libyan state interests and companies close to Khartoum’s ruling National Congress Party. It also...

Displaying 241-250 out of 564 results.