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South Africa

South Africa

Population: 62.47m
GDP: $373.23bn
Debt: 75.4% of GDP (2024)

news from South Africa

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Found 839 articles.

Displaying 711-720 out of 839 results.

NePAD doubts mount up

With its emphasis on new concepts of African collective responsibility and its promise of strong moral and financial support from Western countries, the New Partnership for African...

Looking down the line

Cyril 'the Suit' Ramaphosa is positioning himself to succeed Mbeki in 2009

That President Thabo Mbeki is the African National Congress presidential candidate for 2004 and its leader for now is not in question. Yet already speculation is rife about who wil...

Deeper and deeper

President Mbeki is betting his diplomatic credibility on success in brokering peace in Congo and Burundi

South Africa is about to raise the stakes by committing three battalions for peacekeeping duties in Burundi and eastern Congo, having hosted a succession of summits to persuade war...

The blame game

AIDS policy is still disastrous, though the President now leaves it to his Health Minister

The blame for South Africa's peculiar policies on HIV/AIDS is shifting from President Thabo Mbeki to his Health Minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, caricatured by local AIDS activi...

Said and unsaid

President Thabo Mbeki's State of the Nation speech at the opening of parliament on 14 February has left many feeling he slighted the nation in favor of a largely symbolic foreign p...

Gatsha bites back

Inkatha has stopped the ANC's efforts to change the election rules

Inkatha, the only party strong enough to face up to the governing African National Congress, won a tactical victory this month in its home province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). By teami...

Kraaling out of trouble

ANC loyalists' worries about leftists and labour are stifling the party and government

On 16 December 1838, Afrikaner trekkers were lured into Zulu King Dingaan's kraal and slaughtered. On that day 164 years later, President Thabo Mbeki will try to lure in his party'...

The right wing explodes

More bombings by Afrikaner extremists have attracted some surprising sympathy

Afrikaner bombers are busy again. A dozen explosions in the past month damaged buildings, railway lines and a police aircraft hangar in the Johannesburg-Pretoria area, Western and ...

A nuclear waste

Eskom's nuclear programme appeals to national pride, but it may not succeed

The power utility Eskom has asked the cabinet for 1 billion rand (US$100 million) to back a new nuclear research programme which it claims will launch the country into the ranks of...

Scrambling for Africa

Business hopes that President Mbeki's pan-African vision can produce some profits too

As Pretoria flexes its diplomatic muscles in Africa, championing the New Partnership for Africa's Development and sending peacekeeping troops to Burundi and Congo-Kinshasa, its com...

Displaying 711-720 out of 839 results.