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South Africa

South Africa

Population: 62.47m
GDP: $373.23bn
Debt: 75.4% of GDP (2024)

news from South Africa

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Found 839 articles.

Displaying 271-280 out of 839 results.

How to repeat the Mugabe mantra

By calling for land redistribution without compensation, Zuma is following his Zimbabwean counterpart and throwing his foes into confusion

Just as mounting political crises again threatened to overwhelm President Jacob Zuma, he pulled out the land card to buy himself breathing space before the African National Congres...


Zuma's anti-Gordhan play

President Jacob Zuma is hesitating over a reshuffle which could tear the African National Congress apart

President Jacob Zuma has become increasingly irritated with his respected Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan, who was widely praised after presenting a balanced budget on 22 Febru...

The state of Jacob Zuma's presidency

Relentless attacks on the President's character are weakening the economy and undermining his influence on the succession

With ten more months as leader of the African National Congress (ANC), President Jacob Zuma tried to shore up his government with a flurry of populist policies – long on rhetoric a...


Power struggle goes nuclear

The ANC's bitter internal battles threaten to slow government business to a crawl 

On South Africa's Reconciliation Day on 16 December, President Jacob Zuma's speech in the North-West Province was brought to a halt when strong wind and heavy rain blew away the ma...

The numbers game next year

The power struggle between President Zuma and senior ANC officials trying to force him out will intensify in January

Rival factions in the African National Congress are shoring up their support bases within the party for another round of combat. After surviving an attempt by his opponents on the ...

Zille threat to De Lille

The Democratic Alliance is braced for battle as the former party leader says she may stand for the provincial leadership

The former Democratic Alliance (DA) leader and present Western Cape Premier, Helen Zille, has surprised many by saying that she may stand for the provincial leadership of the party...

MK vs JZ

General Siphiwe Nyanda was during the liberation struggle one of Jacob Zuma's closest confidants in the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC), Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), b...

Clinging to the wreckage

The ANC leadership fired a shot across the President's bows. He is weaker than ever but no less determined to stay on

The African National Congress looked more deeply divided than ever as fault lines over the presidency of Jacob Zuma deepened early this week. A three-day meeting of the 109-member ...

Gordhan in ratings war

President Jacob Zuma and his allies are hoping rating agencies will downgrade South Africa's credit status to 'junk', sources among his supporters have told Africa Confidential. Th...

Displaying 271-280 out of 839 results.