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Population: 16.5m
GDP: $12.8bn

news from Somalia

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Found 295 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 295 results.

A fragmentary future

Farmajo is becoming dictatorial as dissension grows in the international community and prospects for federal unity and isolating Shabaab recede

The last year was full of promise of greater change during this year. Regional relations were dominated by the sea-change in policy brought about by Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy ...

Poll fight for Farmajo

A former Shabaab leader stands a good chance of election in South West State and Mogadishu is determined to stop him

President Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed 'Farmajo' and his government experienced temporary relief on 2 December when the electoral commission supervising South West State's presidenti...

US strikes, Shabaab gains

US operations increase but the Islamists are showing resilience. The government is trying to manage expectations

The most lethal United States drone strike against Al Shabaab in over a year killed about 60 fighters at Aga Adde, near Galharere in the Central Region, on 16 October. The US offen...

Money worries

The federal patchwork is barely holding together while a new currency launches. Farmajo's absence in New York is raising questions

The Finance Minister of the federal government, Abdirahman Bayle, believed he had good reason to congratulate himself at the end of a week of talks with the International Monetary ...

Abiy dials down Pax Ethiopia

Addis's relations with its neighbours may be changing as radically as those on the domestic front. A new deal with Somalia could be in the offing

As soon as he was appointed Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed was as eager to embrace peace and normalisation with neighbouring states as to reform the regime at home. Somalia, bristling ...

ISIS’s nemesis

Al Shabaab offers its Da’ish competitors a simple choice: recant or face execution

The early days of Da'ish in Somalia were not auspicious. The leader of Somalia's version of the pan-regional and Middle Eastern Islamist movement also known as 'Islamic State' or I...

A proconsul retires

The leading representative of the Ethiopian security services in Somalia, Colonel Gebregziabher Alemseged, better known in Somalia as Colonel Gebre, has been recalled. Since 2002 C...

Shabaab takes to the air

Far from being on the brink of defeat, Al Shabaab is improving its propaganda and still holding its own on the military front

Al Shabaab's leader, Abu Ubaydah, made a major speech on jihadist broadcast media on 18 May marking the beginning of Ramadan and setting out his political stall, scotching rumours ...

Displaying 81-90 out of 295 results.