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Population: 16.5m
GDP: $12.8bn

news from Somalia

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Found 295 articles.

Displaying 41-50 out of 295 results.

Farmajo faces the ultimate test

Parliament looks like picking a new president on 15 May because the incumbent has alienated far too many MPs

Looked at from the perspective of last April, the latest political developments seem improbable, even absurd. A year ago Mogadishu was on a war footing and President Mohamed Abdull...

Washington eyes a base at Berbera

Intensifying competition between the US, Russia, China and the Gulf states boosts the strategic importance of Somaliland's port

Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi's trip to Washington DC last month may not have resulted in an exchange of ambassadors, but it looks as though the statelet will achieve de fact...

Top-level collusion suspected in atrocity

The latest Al Shabaab attacks, which may have had some security backing, aimed to delay the polls again

On 23 March Al Shabaab suicide bombers struck hard in the capital and Beled Weyne, focusing on the heavily-fortified Mogadishu airport complex which houses UN offices and foreign e...

Polls stall as Al Shabaab attacks surge

The Islamist militia's offensive has increased in tempo but the national army has been holding its own as it looks as though the US will become more involved

Al Shabaab launched more attacks in January and February than it had during all of last year. Most serious was its coordinated attack on 18 February in several districts of Mogadis...

The on-off elections are back on

Western officials banged heads together in Mogadishu to forestall more clashes and force agreement. Polling should now end by 25 February

The country has stepped back from the brink once more as the tension eased between President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' and the man he suspended as prime minister, Mohamed ...

Farmajo's dangerous trade-off

The President's corruption of the electoral process has weakened security, presaging a more authoritarian politics

Hopes that the elections would open a new political chapter and more accountable governance look misplaced. Even if the troubled presidential elections are held in 2022, they're un...

Elections in grave danger

Farmajo's rival presidential candidates are so fed up with his manipulations of the electoral process they are calling for a boycott and mobilising their militias

Unable to negotiate with President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' or curb his manipulation of the polls to ensure he can return as president, the alliance of the presidential c...

Displaying 41-50 out of 295 results.