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Population: 13.86m
GDP: $13.7bn
Debt: 69.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Rwanda

Category: all

Found 164 articles.

Displaying 161-164 out of 164 results.

The Zaïre effect

The war in Zaïre has brought more violence to Rwanda: some 600,000 Hutu fled home, among them many Interahamwé and former Rwandan troops. The killing goes on: people ta...

The king speaks out

Paul Kagamé has to watch the monarchists – now they are turning against him

Support for the government is shrinking as regional instability grows. After a wave of Hutu defections in the past year, there are signs of growing Tutsi disaffection. Tutsi form t...

Lessons not learned

A new report explaining why aid agencies fail in emergencies may still not help Burundi

Reluctance to act on clear warning signs of a catastrophe in Rwanda and a lack of political will by United Nations members are to blame for international donors' failure to stem th...

Battling for reconciliation

The new Front Patriotique Rwandais government is in danger of squandering the goodwill it had won after its military defeat of those forces, such as the Interahamwé , responsible ...

Displaying 161-164 out of 164 results.