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Population: 2.69m
GDP: $12.77bn
Debt: 65.4% of GDP (2024)

news from Namibia

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Found 135 articles.

Displaying 131-135 out of 135 results.

Technical wizardry

The President may have at last found a loophole allowing him to prolong his rule

Namibia's constitution, widely regarded as a model for countries emerging from despotism, limits a president to two terms. President Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma has served two five-year...

Malaysian money I

Along with other East Asian 'tiger economies', Malaysia is being assiduously courted by the ruling South West Africa People's Organisation. Trade and Industry Minister Hidipo Hamut...

Play it again, Sam

SWAPO is soon to decide on the future of a President who understands politics

A sense of uncertainty about the future is growing as the time to resolve the succession issue draws near (AC Vol 37 No 19). Will Sam Nujoma try to change the constitution so that ...

No more Nujoma

The President seems to want five more years, despite what the constitution says

President Sam Nujoma seems unhappy about the rule that he must hand over to a successor at the turn of the century. His democratic credentials have not been enhanced by the ministe...

Malay straits

Namibia is looking eastward and Malaysia is its new friend. In late July, President Sam Nujoma visited Kuala Lumpur, where he announced 'large investments' by Malaysian companies i...

Displaying 131-135 out of 135 results.