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Population: 37.37m
GDP: $152.38bn
Debt: 70.4% GDP (2024)

news from Morocco

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Found 126 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 126 results.

Saad-Eddine Al Othmani

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Morocco

Morocco is rolling out the welcome mat to Asian investors. Foreign Affairs Minister Saad-Eddine Al Othmani hosted its first Morocco-Asia Business Forum in Rabat on 15-16 March.

The King’s own Islamists

Morocco's Parti de la justice et du développement (PJD) formed the main opposition in the previous National Assembly and took 107 of its 395 seats in the 25 November elections, the...

Reform dilemma

Traditional constituencies linked into the Makhzen system will probably swing the 1 July referendum in favour of King Mohammed VI’s proposed constitutional reforms. Makhzen means t...

Can the King stop the spring?

Astute reforms have held revolution at bay but the monarchy could be running out of time

So far, monarchies have proved more resilient to the democracy wave sweeping North Africa and the Middle East than the nationalist dictatorships, but in Morocco, some business and ...

Campaign timetable

King Mohammed VI (‘M6’) seems in little danger of losing his throne. However, the mainly peaceful protests for political change and social justice inspired by the Arab Spring u...

Progress noted

In late June, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its support for the constitutional changes that will allow King Mohammed VI to maintain power while giving more aut...

Xu Jinghu

China's Ambassador to Morocco

China's chief envoy to Morocco is an experienced Africa hand, managing the 2006 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) held in Beijing. Now Ambassador to Morocco, consistently...

Reform-minded monarch

King Mohammed is an absolute monarch but paradoxically, he is the region’s most reform-minded head of state.

Mohammed VI will celebrate his first decade as Al Amir al Mouminin (‘Commander of the Faithful’) on 23 July. At 47, ‘M6’ is more than 20 years younger than the region’s other leade...

Best election dirhams could buy

Elections will produce a functioning government but, troublingly, few Moroccans seem to care

Money changed hands and local notables manoeuvred in constituencies across the kingdom to deliver seats for their political allies in the 7 September general elections. Yet abuses ...

Electoral arithmetic

The Islamist PJD is not exactly in freefall but unexpectedly close elections in September could trigger difficult decisions for King Mohammed

Moroccans will vote in September in general elections that are far from a foregone conclusion. Expected for months to emerge as the biggest party, the 'moderate Islamist' Parti de ...

Displaying 81-90 out of 126 results.