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Population: 37.37m
GDP: $152.38bn
Debt: 70.4% GDP (2024)

news from Morocco

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Found 126 articles.

Displaying 111-120 out of 126 results.

Desert king

Is the 'people's King' preparing an initiative that would win him huge support at home by underlining the 'Moroccaness' of Western Sahara but could seriously compromise the United ...

Bziz buzzes again

In the latest slight to his father's old guard, King Mohammed VI has unbanned the country's leading satirist, Ahmed Sanoussi, better known as 'Bziz' for buzzing at the authorities....

Our friend, the new king

Young King Mohammed VI faces a tide of economic and social problems bequeathed by his father Hassan II

The mass outpouring of grief after the death of King Hassan II, one of Africa's most ruthless and canniest rulers, is fast being overtaken by worries about the future, particularly...

Twin peaks

Contract-chasing companies, local politicians and many of Casablanca’s four million or so residents will focus, on 21-28 November, on the tenth anniversary of the city’s twinning w...

Blair-ites in the desert

King Hassan's liberalisation provides more space for Islamists and infuriates Algiers

Old animosities between Algiers and Rabat are re-emerging. This time it's over Islamist infiltrators and the planned referendum on Western Sahara (see Box). Algeria's still powerfu...

A voting mirage

United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan risks losing face in the Western Sahara. The referendum planned for 7 December - to decid.e at last whether the territory joins Morocco ...

Rule by authority

The latest elections haven't changed the Maghreb governments' absolutist methods

For all their differences, the rulers of the two big Maghreb neighbours share some important traits. They fear Islamist revolutionaries and are offering a small share of power to s...

Voting for Driss

The big winner in the 14 November general election was Interior Minister Driss Basri. Following some way behind were the biggest opposition party, the Union Socialiste des Forces P...

Displaying 111-120 out of 126 results.