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Population: 23.38m
GDP: $11.24bn
Debt: 74.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Malawi

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Found 167 articles.

Displaying 131-140 out of 167 results.

The President speaks

Bingu wa Mutharika puts his case: the IMF approves, politics are turbulent and the anti-corruption trials hang fire

Malawi is in political turmoil. As many as half of its MPs may face by-elections after a constitutional ruling barred them from changing party allegiance between elections. In the ...

Carpet crossing

Opposition parties are cheering the Constitutional Court's 8 November ruling in favour of restrictions on MPs trying to change their party allegiance after election.

Madonna madness

Following pop queen Madonna Louisa Ciccone's tearful defence of her adoption of Malawi-born orphan David Banda on America's Oprah Winfrey TV chatshow in October, some Malawi offici...


Blantyre is reeling from reports of the arrest of former President Bakili Muluzi on corruption charges on 27 July. Within hours, Muluzi was released on unconditional bail; a day la...

Unhappy returns

President Mutharika is set for more opposition confrontation as two leaders come home

Last month, Chakufwa Chihana, leader of the Alliance for Democracy (Aford), arrived from South Africa in a coffin. He had struggled with a brain tumour. His state funeral recognise...

Bakili's bullets

The arrest on treason charges of Vice-President Cassim Chilumpha and two of his close associates - Yusuf Matumula, ex-Trustee of the Bakili Bullets football team, and United Democr...

New politics at last

Parliament has reconvened with another set of politicians ready for a fresh start

A new political order may emerge as parliament reassembles for a new four-week term. Amid last year's chaos, President Bingu wa Mutharika's nervous government suspended parliamenta...

Bingu's gamble

Malawi's constitution does not empower presidents to sack vice-presidents, even those elected on the same ticket. Yet last month, President Bingu wa Mutharika told Vice-President C...


Famine threatens and an enfeebled government lacks the authority to act

President Bingu wa Mutharika's declaration of a national disaster because of the food shortages which threaten over half of Malawi's eleven million people may boost contributions t...

Displaying 131-140 out of 167 results.