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GDP: $48.22bn
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news from Libya

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Found 143 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 143 results.

Lobbying on

Just as Mozambique’s Resistência Nacional Moçambicana threatens to return to violence, the man who championed it at the height of its atrocities has surfaced in papers found in the...

Gadaffi falls, revolution rises

Declaring victory after six months of war, the new regime in Tripoli has rejuvenated the Arab Spring and may promote political change further south

With its victory over the forces of Moammar el Gadaffi this week, the Transitional National Council (TNC) has proved it has more staying power than suggested by its initial hesitan...

Running on empty

The offensives by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the brave but shambolic Transitional National Council fighters show no sign of overwhelming Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi’...

Rebels edge closer to Tripoli

Running out of options, Gadaffi declared in his birthday speech on 7 June that he would choose ‘death before surrender’

As the rebel war to drive Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi from power stretches out, public support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s intervention is weakening. However, NATO ...

Chaos keeps Gadaffi in the game

A humanitarian disaster threatens as the regime struggles to survive

The prevailing chaos in Libya shows what can happen if a popular uprising goes wrong – and where Egypt and Tunisia could have ended up. The number of refugees surging across the Tu...

Zuma to the shores of Tripoli

The AU mission to Libya was an abject failure but the South African leader got a chance to catch up with an old pal

South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma led an African Union peace mission to Libya on 11 April. The mission quickly fell apart, which did nothing for the AU’s poor reputation for conf...

A family at war

The tight circle of loyalists around the Gadaffi clan hope their military dominance and diplomatic tactics will derail the rebellion

The resilience of Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi’s regime after ten days of aerial bombardment combined with the military weakness of the opposition groups has prompted Britain, Franc...

The opposition breaks cover, slowly

The West’s new allies in Libya are largely unknown. The most familiar faces to join the revolution include the Ambassador to the United Nations, Abdel Rahman Shalgam, a former Fore...

Europe's new line on Gadaffi

As the regime attacks civilians, European states are tearing up their trade deals with Gadaffi and his family

The European Union’s decision to freeze the assets of the Central Bank of Libya, the Libyan Investment Authority sovereign fund and other businesses could have serious conseque...

Gadaffi's fight to the death

After seizing the east of the country and the oil installations, the opposition steels itself for a long campaign

As Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi fights back hard against his opponents, the prospect of his early overthrow has given way to concern about widespread instability in a deeply fracture...

Displaying 81-90 out of 143 results.