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Population: 6.91m
GDP: $48.22bn
Debt: No data

news from Libya

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Found 143 articles.

Displaying 131-140 out of 143 results.

Racist rage

Racist hysteria against blacks in Libya has dented Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's ambition to create a 'United States of Africa' (USA) next year. He proclaimed his plan to July's Org...

Look who's here!

Investment in Africa has become a feature of Saudi Arabian Prince Al Walid bin Talal's business, suggesting that the Arab world's preeminent multi-billionaire sees the continent as...

Tripoli calling

Brother Leader Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's return to the African diplomatic circuit was a high point of the July Organisation of African Unity summit in Algiers. His entourage of ...


An attempt by Libya to obtain rocket guidance systems has signalled that Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's Al Fateh missile scheme may be quiescent but is not, as many believed, dead.

My Arabism tired me out

A restless Gadaffi denounces Arab governments and looks for African friends

Hell hath no fury like a Libyan leader scorned. Having assiduously and unsuccessfully wooed Arab states during his 29 years in power, Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi is now courting Sub...


Russia is still punching holes in United States’ sanctions: its Fuel and Energy Ministry is finalising an agreement with Tripoli that is to relaunch oil projects stalled by U...

Death drives

Ibrahim el Bishari, until recently Libya's Arab League Ambassador, died in a car crash on 13 September. This was barely two weeks after Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's government real...

Displaying 131-140 out of 143 results.