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Population: 52.44m
GDP: $104bn
Debt: 73% of GDP (2024)

news from Kenya

Category: all

Found 634 articles.

Displaying 621-630 out of 634 results.

A sudden conversion

Almost overnight, KANU’s top brass have discovered the value of political reform

Using whips and clubs and firing teargas canisters, police broke up another demonstration demanding constitutional reform, this time at Nyahururu on 19 October. It was the latest i...

A sweet tooth

The government is now beginning to feel the pain of indulging its sweet tooth

There is no likelihood in the near future that the International Monetary Fund will resume lending from its US$220 million balance of payments support. The Kenya government has tri...

Saba saba

The campaign to demand constitutional reform has turned into a full-frontal assault on an increasingly desperate President Moi

This is a bad year for authoritarian governments. The dean of despots, Mobutu Sese Seko, was chased out in May, Sudan's Hassan el Turabi faces coordinated military opposition from ...

Constitutional counter

Opposition demands for political reforms before the elections unsettle President Moi

Delaying the elections, probably until November or December, is beginning to look like a major error by President Daniel arap Moi. Even six months ago, his ruling Kenya African Nat...

Fixing the finance

Winning this year's elections is more important for KANU than obeying the IMF

Within eight weeks Finance Minister Musalia Mudavadi must produce a budget. The International Monetary Fund expects Kenya to meet its fiscal guidelines and speed up privatisation. ...

Langata landmark

A rare victory for the opposition may present a serious challenge to KANU

Raila Odinga's defeat of the ruling Kenya African National Union's Fred Amayo in the Langata by-election on 11 March offers a rare glimmer of hope to the opposition. With Kikuyu su...

Old Nick's back

President Moi's old friend rejoins the cabinet to mastermind politics and the succession

Nicholas Kipyator Biwott is back. He has stayed close to power in the five years since Western donors successfully pressed for his dismissal as Minister of Energy. Now his return t...


A tough leader indispensable to outside interests. You're in Nairobi not Kinshasa

After the World Food summit in Rome, where he met fellow East African Presidents Yoweri Museveni and Benjamin Mkapa, President Daniel arap Moi stopped off unexpectedly in London. M...

Bombs and plots

Bombs, plots and opposition squabbles may get Moi and his government reelected in 1997

The bomb which exploded off Harambee Avenue, central Nairobi, on 15 September killed one person. It also pulverised the southern part of the Central Bureau of Statistics and got ri...

Bullet proof

Eldoret gets so much largesse that the President's home-boys call it 'Moi town'

Revelations that the government has been discreetly building an ammunition factory in Eldoret have again focused attention on the rapid growth of this Rift-Valley town. President D...

Displaying 621-630 out of 634 results.