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Population: 52.44m
GDP: $104bn
Debt: 73% of GDP (2024)

news from Kenya

Category: all

Found 634 articles.

Displaying 571-580 out of 634 results.

Mwai's moment

The rainbow coalition looks like the people's choice ahead of President Moi's retirement

Opposition politicians have their best chance in a decade of winning power in the presidential and parliamentary elections due on 27 December. Economic hardship and intra-party feu...

At the end of the Rainbow

Ethnically and politically, the Rainbow alliance is multicoloured – but it could still break up

As he heads into the sunset, President Daniel arap Moi has to face the fact that his handpicked successor, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta (AC Vol 43 No 15), may lose the forthcoming electio...

KANU at war

Self-declared politics professor President Daniel arap Moi is trying to bring his ruling Kenya African National Union to order before its 8 October conference at Kasarani to nomina...

Over the rainbow

The outgoing President Moi wants to pick his successor, despite the challenge from dissenters in the party's Rainbow Alliance

'There is no crisis in our country,' a stern-faced President Daniel arap Moi told a National Executive meeting of the ruling Kenya African National Union (KANU) on 9 September. Sur...

Uhuru now!

KANU goes back to the future for its presidential candidate

Uhuru Kenyatta is enjoying politics. Smiling broadly last week, he told his constituents in Gatundu South, Central Province, that he was willing to serve the nation in any capacity...

Holding their noses

More aid before the elections looks unlikely – even with the World Bank's help

Western governments, especially that of the United States, regard Kenya's stability as vital to their own interests and to the 'war on terrorism'. US, British and German military a...

Chairman Moi

New KANU moves the country back to the one-party state

The dynamic duo, President Daniel arap Moi and his Trade Minister, Nicholas Kipyator Biwott, dominate Kenyan politics more completely than they have for a decade (AC Vol 43 Nos 1 &...

The generation game

President Moi gives the grey politicians another chance in the succession race

Inscrutable as the Sphinx, President Daniel arap Moi confers favour on one faction, then withdraws it the next day. Even his most vehement opponents salute his political cunning. A...

Displaying 571-580 out of 634 results.