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Population: 52.44m
GDP: $104bn
Debt: 73% of GDP (2024)

news from Kenya

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Found 634 articles.

Displaying 131-140 out of 634 results.

Ruto goes West

A ten-day tour of the United States and Britain at the beginning of March marks Deputy President William Ruto's most important trip yet ahead of August's presidential elections. It...

Dangers of two-track campaigning

Underneath bland mainstream media coverage, social media and vernacular broadcast stations are stirring ethnic divisions

Hopes for credible and peaceful national elections in August are getting shakier. Hate speech and ethnic-baiting in local languages are back in force. Frustrated by official compla...


Brussels finds some friends in Nairobi

Trying to win over Anglophone governments ahead of their grand regional summit, EU officials have been offering deals to Kenya

The European Union wants to agree a 'strategic partnership' with Africa at a summit next month. Now, it has identified Kenya as a key target.



New Pan-African airline aims to take off in 2023

Committed investors and political will are key to success of proposed tie-up between Kenya Airways and South African Airways

Officials in Nairobi and Johannesburg are working with new investors for the launch next year of the biggest airline alliance in Africa after two years of crashing revenues in busi...


Making the vote count

Voter registration ahead of the August general election is low because people are disillusioned with politicians and the system, say analysts and activists, and also because of bac...

The politics of division

Polarised parliamentary battles on an elections bill reflect starker ethnic divisions within the country at large

After filibusters and fisticuffs in parliament before Christmas, President Uhuru Kenyatta and his chosen successor Raila Odinga got what they wanted on 8 January, when the National...

Hustlers and handshakes

Government is on hold as a presidential race reliant on personalities and corralling regional blocs takes centre stage

Big challenges to President Uhuru Kenyatta's government are looming this year on the economic management front and on regional security. But barring a phenomenal new crisis, the po...

Displaying 131-140 out of 634 results.