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Population: 33.74m
GDP: $75.24bn
Debt: 83.6% of GDP (2024)

news from Ghana

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Found 293 articles.

Displaying 91-100 out of 293 results.

A racing start in spite of the rocky finances

Several hefty economic obstacles will test the government's determination to push ahead with education and health reforms

Harsh financial realities are starting to impinge on the bold programme to modernise the economy, and boost education and health, which swept the new government to power after Dece...


New order tackles old debts

A month after his election victory, Akufo Addo's new team starts work on a fast-track economic and political reform agenda

The clear victory of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo by over 900,000 votes in the 7 December presidential election triggered a business-like transition, with most new ministers due to ...

Jobs and corruption dominate election agenda

A late surge in campaigning has improved the opposition's chances of victory as the economy stutters

A succession of bad elections this year in Africa – in Uganda, Gabon and Zambia – make the 7 December presidential and parliamentary elections in Ghana an important political...


The debt merry-go-round

The government's negotiations on debt and budgets with the IMF are politically contentious ahead of December's elections

The politically charged deadline for the government's latest agreement with the International Monetary Fund is to be delayed again, following the report of a mission to Accra from ...

Budget battles as election race heats up

The government says the hard times are a blip before the next boom. Its opponents accuse it of wrecking the economy

Jobs, prices, taxes and electricity are dominating political arguments in the lead up to presidential and parliamentary elections on 7 November. So, when the government said on 1 J...


A disputed state of the nation

The two leading contenders for the presidency opened their campaigns with sharply differing assessments of the country's health

It was a foretaste of what is set to be the country's most fiercely contested election against a backdrop of the worst austerity since the 1980s. On 25 February, a smiling Presiden...


It’s the contract election

Both the main parties have form when it comes to spending sprees and big contracts ahead of elections

Come commodity crash or boom, if it's election year, it's contract time. That's when incumbents hand out largesse and stock up the political war-chest. In Ghana, election year cont...


Power cuts may sway polls

After two near electoral misses, Nana Akufo-Addo has got the wind in his sails ahead of November's elections

On the face of it, a shrinking economy, a crippling power crisis and a string of corruption scandals will strongly favour the opposition in presidential and parliamentary elections...

A helping hand from the Washington twins

Cash and lobbying from the IMF and World Bank boost the government a year before elections

Smiling broadly and sporting his trademark northern smock, on 7 September John Mahama submitted his application in Accra to stand again as the governing party's presidential candid...


Displaying 91-100 out of 293 results.