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Population: 107.4m
GDP: $205.13bn
Debt: 30.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Ethiopia

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Found 318 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 318 results.


UN figures showing catastrophic conditions and famine spreading amid Tigray conflict reinforce calls for concerted international action

Cyril Ramaphosa to attend discussions at G-7 summit on deepening regional crisis in the Horn despite an ominous silence from the African Union

The conclusions of internal UN documents that over 350,000 people in the Tigray region are starving amid 'catastrophic conditions' after seven months of fighting between federal fo...


Muddled meddling by the UAE

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and one of his top advisors are rethinking the United Arab Emirates' policy in the Horn

As Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government complains about United States 'interference' in the Tigray conflict, there are signs that Washington's stance has caused some go...

Not so splendid isolation

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is running out of room to manoeuvre as Addis Ababa's relations with the United States and Europe fall to their lowest ebb for three decades. At the heart ...


Officials send conflicting signals over poll dates

After problems with voter registration and security, the chances of another delay in elections are increasing to the frustration of the government

Government officials have told Africa Confidential that there will be no further delays to the polls scheduled for 5 June, and that campaigning has started in earnest. They add tha...


Issayas in for the long haul

Asmara sends more military units across the border to Tigray and beyond, despite its pledge to withdraw

Ethiopian officials are preparing for national elections in early June against a backdrop of political and economic reversals for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Despite growing violenc...


Aid with election strings attached

The EU is tag teaming with the US to keep up pressure on Addis Ababa for reconciliation measures ahead of the June election

The European Union will send an election observation mission for June's general elections in Ethiopia, and has restarted sending humanitarian aid to the country, but there are stri...


Addis and Asmara exchange vows

Ethiopia and Eritrea may consider a federation as the conflict in Tigray becomes part of a wider reordering of regional geopolitics

Efforts to float a trial balloon for greater closeness between Eritrea and Ethiopia by Ambassador Dina Mufti at his weekly press conference in Addis Ababa at the end of last month ...


Displaying 81-90 out of 318 results.