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Population: 3.5m
GDP: $1.98bn
Debt: 260.4% of GDP (2024)

news from Eritrea

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Found 89 articles.

Displaying 81-89 out of 89 results.

On the border

With the guns mostly silent along the border, the war is being waged through local media. In Addis Ababa, ETV daily broadcasts rallies country-wide supporting the war, parading mot...

Mothballed MiGs

Ethiopia has been trying for some time to refurbish and upgrade the MiGs it inherited from Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam’s regime. The planes were properly ‘mothballed’ after Meles...

Last ditch

The Organisation of African Unity was working ‘flat-out to avert a full-scale war’, said Secretary General Salim Ahmed Salim at last weekend’s peace summit in Ouagadougou. Yet rene...

Arms cargo crash

Reports that both sides in the Ethiopian- Eritrean border war are rearming have dented hopes of success for Organisation of African Unity proposals for a ceasefire, a monitoring te...

Masters of war

Mediation and fighting were both going on as we went to press: Eritrea and Ethiopia both accept the need for demarcation and demilitarisation and have even indicated they could acc...

Murder in the family

The Ethiopian/Eritrean border conflict helps the Sudan government and undermines Washington's vision of a New Africa

The fighting between Ethiopia and Eritrea, which initially caused between six and 20 deaths, took everyone by surprise, not least the United States, a close ally of both countries....

New Nacfa

Asmara's introduction of its own Nacfa currency and dropping of the Ethiopian Birr (with which, for now, it has exchange rate parity) rang some alarms in Addis Ababa. But the probl...

In the front line again

Asmara's investment drive provokes less interest than its adventurous foreign policy

Combining an assertive foreign policy, hard-nosed economic reforms and a tight rein on domestic politics, President Issayas Aferworki is cast from a similar mould to Uganda’s...

On the border

Eight major-generals, 22 brigadiers and 3 full colonels were appointed by President Isayas Aferworki. The Defence Minister, Sibhat Ephrem, gave the rank of lieutenant-colonel to se...

Displaying 81-89 out of 89 results.