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Population: 1.04m
GDP: $4.36bn
Debt: 56.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Djibouti

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Found 38 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 38 results.

Guelleh quells opponents

Human rights campaigners and a main opposition party are targeted by a severe crackdown overseen by President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh amid apparent international indifference.

Saudi wants one too

Saudi Arabia looks certain to join the growing band of nations with military bases in Djibouti, Africa Confidential can reveal. On 12 July, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Sau...

Guelleh opts for landslide

President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh won with a disputed 87% of the vote in the 8 April presidential poll. The leader of the opposition Union pour le salut national, Omar Elmi Khaireh, c...

POW row heals

President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh has been trying to capitalise on obtaining the release of four Djiboutian soldiers from Eritrean custody after mediation by Qatar. He hopes it will h...

Guelleh's court shame

Two months ahead of national elections, President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh has experienced what must rank as one of most spectacular drubbings of a foreign head of state on British soi...

Bengal paper tiger

Concern about China's new naval base in Djibouti is not going away after Indian forces spotted a Chinese submarine in the Bay of Bengal. China signed an agreement with Djibouti in ...

Base motives

As China deepens its commitment to a base in Djibouti, a London court has heard how illicit Chinese funds may have indirectly helped President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh win election...

Guelleh battles in court

It started as a legal dispute with a business partner but now the President’s credibility is on trial and his wealth is on open display

It points to the fragility of President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh's position that a mismanaged legal battle with one of his political rivals in London's High Court could undermine h...

Displaying 1-10 out of 38 results.