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Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

Population: 31.98m
GDP: $86.91bn
Debt: 57.7% of GDP (2024)

news from Côte d'Ivoire

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Found 213 articles.

Displaying 51-60 out of 213 results.

Parties to many disputes 

Although the presidential elections are a good four years off, fighting inside the governing coalition is already off to a lively start

Now that it has finally sunk in that this is President Alassane Dramane Ouattara's final term of office, the two main parties that formed the governing Rassemblement des houphouëti...

Terror on the beach

The nation's first jihadist terrorist attack claimed 22 lives on 13 March as politicians on all sides tried to use it to score points against each other. The initial target for Al ...

ADO looks ahead

Reconciling the nation, purging the army and restoring a stable political culture are the President's big challenges in his second term

President Alassane Dramane Ouattara's second term in office will be about bestowing a legacy of lasting political stability and economic reconstruction when he leaves office in 202...

Soro has phone trouble

The former rebel leader is a problem for the President, who may now have the means to dispense with his disreputable ally

The Speaker of the Ivorian Parliament, former rebel leader and ex-Prime Minister Guillaume Soro, made a lot of telephone calls to the men responsible for September's attempted coup...

Ouattara walks it

A decisive victory brings a chance to ease out the corrupt militiamen in government and relaunch the economy

The Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission, Youssouf Bakayoko, had an easier time of it last month than five years ago. That's when one of ex-President Laurent Gbagbo's y...

The election gets messier

Two new alliances of opposition politicians are creating problems for President Ouattara's campaign

Once President Alassane Dramane Ouattara had announced last year that he would seek a second term, he was the clear favourite to win the election due this October, given the streng...

CNC: who is who?

'Crabs in a bucket' is one of the descriptions used to describe the new alliance, the Coalition nationale pour le changement. Signatures under its founding charter include those of...

Ouattara looks at second term

The President faces greater danger from his allies than from a demoralised opposition that is stubbornly loyal to his predecessor

The main opposition Front populaire ivoirien appears unable to accept that it must replace its leader, ex-President Laurent Gbagbo, to contest the elections in October. The Interna...

Displaying 51-60 out of 213 results.