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Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

Population: 31.98m
GDP: $86.91bn
Debt: 57.7% of GDP (2024)

news from Côte d'Ivoire

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Found 213 articles.

Displaying 181-190 out of 213 results.

In denial

The politics and economics aren't as bad as they look, says President Gbagbo

'There is no political crisis in Côte d'Ivoire,' President Laurent Gbagbo assured diplomats and politicians on 7 September. He was inaugurating the National Reconciliation Fo...

Conditionally yours

Friendlier to President Laurent Gbagbo than most donors, Paris has persuaded the European Union to offer vital budget support to Abidjan. This may tide Côte d'Ivoire over to ...

The military might?

Most of Côte d'Ivoire's leading politicians will not be at President Laurent Gbagbo's national reconciliation conference, planned for 9 July. Former President Henri Konan-B&e...

Home and away

France, at least, backs President Laurent Gbagbo. The head of a team it sent to help draw up aid requests (AC Vol 42 No 4) is none other than Jean-Michel Severino, who on his retur...

Gbagbo rides the tiger

Gbagbo could still pull his country back from the brink but shows little sign of wanting to

The stunning victory of President Laurent Koudou Gbagbo's Front Populaire Ivoirien in the parliamentary elections on 10 December settles nothing. In many respects, it makes matters...

Gbagbo's next test

The nation's troubles are not over yet. On 10 December, elections for the National Assembly will follow the 22 October presidential election. This is the poll in which Laurent Gbag...

Milosevic effect

The flight of military leader General Robert Gueï to Benin and the assumption of the Presidency by Laurent Gbagbo, the winner of the 22 October election, solves one problem bu...

Gueï goes it alone

The army and the OAU are both at odds with the General

The head of the military junta, General Robert Gueï, says the generals who ranked second and third in his regime tried to have him murdered. And when seven heads of state of t...

Moving goalposts

General Robert Gueï's junta aims to set up a civilian regime before the end of the year, but is not even in full control of its own army. The referendum on a new constitution,...

Displaying 181-190 out of 213 results.