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news from France

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Found 139 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 139 results.

Cross patch

Bored with the fractious Euro-African summit in Lisbon on 8-9 December, French President Nicolas Sarkozy used the opportiunity to try to patch up quarrels with Côte d'Ivoire,...

Healing the rift

Diplomatic relations between France and Rwanda may be on the mend. Rwanda broke them off in November 2006, after a French judge, Jean-Louis Bruguière, issued arrest warrants...

Rapture not rupture

President Nicolas Sarkozy is billed as France's first post-colonial head of state but his first state visit to Africa did not presage a rupture with the Françafrique system. In Sen...

Winning ways

French and Qatari commercial interests are the clear winners from Presidential wife Cécilia Sarkozy's success in persuading Libyan leader Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi to release five...

Jacques et le juge

Police raids on the house of ex-President Jacques Chirac's Africa advisor Michel de Bonnecourse on 9 and 10 July raise the stakes in the investigation into claims by a former Djibo...

Long arms

On 22 June, a judge in Bordeaux, France, found Gabon's President Omar Bongo guilty of accepting a bribe to free French citizen René Cardona from gaol in 1996.

Sarko's team

New Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner has won his battle to keep development policy in his Ministry, rather than in the new Immigration Ministry under the right-wing Brice Hortefeu...

Judges swoop

The struggle to shed light on the 1995 death of French Judge Bernard Borrel in Djibouti continues.

Chirac's last Cannes-Cannes

Franco-African relations face far-reaching change. Within three months, France will have a new president with less time for Africa than any of the recent incumbents.

Is the sun rising or setting? There was a teasing ambiguity about the posters, showing an orange sun over a calm sea, that cropped up all over the French Riviera resort of Cannes f...

Displaying 81-90 out of 139 results.