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news from France

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Found 139 articles.

Displaying 41-50 out of 139 results.

Macron woos Ouaga

Youth, employment, migration, terrorism: President Emmanuel Macron of France hit all the right buttons during his speech at the University of Ouagadougou, where he showed his youth...

Macron ponders Africa play

President Macron is set to expound a vision for France's ties with Africa ahead of the Europe-Africa summit in Abidjan

The speech by France's head of state in Ouagadougou on the eve of the 29 November Abidjan summit will be a cornerstone of his international strategy, and advisors have been submitt...

Paris sends Sahel signal

With US policy on Africa still a cipher and the UK in retreat from Europe, France reaffirms its security commitments in the region

More than 30 African leaders meet today (13 January) in Bamako, marking President François Hollande's farewell to the continent and a restatement of France's commitment to fight j...

Writing development into law

The drama of French military operations in Africa eclipses the fact that the continent is the target of almost all its admittedly tiny bilateral aid

Following President François Hollande's brief African tour this month came questions about France's development aid policy. After all, critics say, it is economic developmen...

Africa policy moves up the agenda

To the surprise of many, Franco-African relations have emerged as a priority of French President François Hollande’s approach to international affairs. This stems from wider reasons than the security threat posed by Islamist terrorism in the Sahara and Sahel as Paris strengthens relations and investment with key allies and expands economic opportunities

In December next year, France will host the next global climate summit, the Conference of the Global Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (U...

Intervention by consent

France sees itself as a participant in the struggle against jihadism across the Sahel and Sahara but insists it will not take sides in internal conflicts between governments and lo...

Africa is our future

With conflicting strategies pulling France in different directions, two senators map out a plan for cooperation with China in Africa

In a policy paper entitled L’Afrique est Notre Avenir (Africa is Our Future), the Senate sought to lay out France’s Africa policy and respond to China’s growing i...

More boots on the ground

After despatching two military missions in 18 months, President Hollande’s whole Africa policy is taking on a new seriousness

The loss of two soldiers just days into the Opération Sangaris deployment in Central African Republic reminded French President François Hollande of the human –...

Displaying 41-50 out of 139 results.