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news from France

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Found 139 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 139 results.

Sectarian killings surge as French troops leave

Civilians are targeted by national soldiers, Islamists and Russian mercenaries but Bamako's military rulers are determined to end the western security presence

The Commanders of Opération Barkhane and the European Special Forces' Takuba have begun to plan for their withdrawal from Mali. Earlier this month, Barkhane's French command...


Turning up the heat on the junta

Paris and Brussels are sanctioning Bamako's colonels and restructuring their anti–jihadist defence mission in the Sahel

The European Union's chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, announced sanctions on Mali's military leaders in line with measures already taken by the Economic Community of West African Sta...


Macron pushes the EU into Africa

The French President wants Brussels to recast its ties with Africa and adopt his policies on security and development

Facing a tough re-election race in April, President Emmanuel Macron is trying to reassure French voters that he's serious on migration and security. With fortuitous timing for Macr...

Elysée tries to reset history

Facing a tough election next year, President Macron is fighting off attacks from the far right and recasting Africa policy

Despite hosting a new-style dialogue with activists and artists and attending a commemoration in Paris for a long hushed-up 1961 massacre of Algerian demonstrators, Emmanuel Macron...


Migration politics

Ahead of next year's elections President Macron's government wants to look tougher on migration

France's decision to halve the number of visas available to Moroccans and Algerians and reduce by a third those for Tunisians has triggered a backlash and has re-energised the migr...


Macron's man

After a baptism of fire, President Bazoum is positioning himself as France’s main security ally in the Sahel

Just three months after taking office, President Mohamed Bazoum has emerged as a central figure in the struggle to restore security to the Sahel.

Hitting the beach

The seaside resort of Jacqueville is now home to the Académie internationale de lutte contre le terrorisme (AILCT), a concept first mooted in 2017 at a meeting of President ...

Displaying 21-30 out of 139 results.