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Population: 1.41bn
GDP: $18.53trn
Debt: 88.6% of GDP (2024)

news from China

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Found 487 articles.

Displaying 341-350 out of 487 results.

How the Sino-Angolan alliance works

The China International Fund (CIF) was born in the aftermath of Angola's civil war as the Luanda government embarked on Africa's costliest post-war reconstruction, fuelled by oil...

Abuja writes the playbook, Beijing brings the players

Who is fooling whom in the scheming over oil and gas reserves?

On the face of it, the speculation that China could take over US$50 billion worth of Nigeria's oil reserves currently licensed to Western oil majors is on the outer reaches of po...

The race to give Museveni what he wants

In Uganda, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation has taken the pole position in discussions to buy out part of Irish oil company Tullow's interests in more than one billion...

Power surge in Addis

The Ethiopian government is launching one of Africa's most ambitious cooperation programmes with China to build several new power stations

Ethiopia has signed contracts with Chinese construction companies to build two huge dams as part of a US$12 billion, 25-year Power Sector Master Plan to harness the country's hyd...

    Vol 2 (AAC) No 12 |

Zhao Jianping

Chairman, China-Africa Development Fund

China Development Bank Vice-Governor Zhao Jianping has taken the reins of the China-Africa Development Fund from CDB colleague Gao Jian. Zhao's career is marginally more cosmopo...

Luanda diversifies its portfolio

A weak economy drives Angola into the arms of the IMF as Luanda's elite works more closely with their Chinese counterparts in local and regional deals

China's relations with Angola suffered a setback this month when Luanda turned down the acquisition by China National Offshore Oil Corporation and Sinopec of a coveted oil block....

The oil revenue row

Scrutiny of oil figures from CNPC suggests that the Khartoum government has been cheating the South of substantial revenues

Beijing faces a new round of criticism over its heavy investments in Sudan's oil business following the publication of a report by British lobbyists Global Witness(1) on 7 Septem...

Financial follow-through

Aggressive investment by the China Investment Corporation, which manages nearly US$300 billion of Beijing's $2.1 trillion in foreign reserves, is leading to a boom in Africa-focuse...

Displaying 341-350 out of 487 results.