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Population: 46.63m
GDP: $266.78bn
Debt: 46.4 % of GDP (2024)

news from Algeria

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Found 121 articles.

Displaying 71-80 out of 121 results.

Electoral juggernaut

Bouteflika’s parliamentary allies have changed the constitution to allow him to stand for a third term and he will not face any serious electoral opposition

The financial position is much better in Algeria, which amassed over US$130 billion in foreign reserves during the oil boom. Despite free-falling prices for crude oil exports, offi...

Boutef, the Life President

The latest constitutional changes abolish presidential term limits and weaken parliament

If the willingness of a parliament to rubber-stamp the extension of presidential powers and the diminution of its own signals the atrophy of a country’s political system, then Alge...

Another third term in Africa

Algeria’s 12 November constitutional amendment consisted of two main proposals: to remove the limit of two five-year terms for the president, and to change the title and role of ‘h...

Not my party

Algerians were fascinated and concerned by Nicolas Sarkozy's win in the French presidential poll. Many worry about the upsurge in terrorism at home and persistent reports about Pre...

Under attack

Algeria's Islamist underground is largely home grown but benefits from foreign attachments

The Algiers bombings of 11 April confirmed that the radical Islamist underground was on the move. For years, it has been confined largely to its strongholds in parts of Kabylie - t...

Khalifa in court

The celebrities were missing from Algeria's 'trial of the century' at Blida Criminal Court, when Judge Fatiha Brihimi sentenced fugitive banker Rafik Abdelmoumen Khalifa to life im...

The President's generals

The President may be back but succession rumours are festering

President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has spent much of the last three months in the Val-de-Grâce military hospital in Paris, being treated for what was eventually announced to be a...

Abdelaziz of Arabia

President Bouteflika wants the Arab summit to underline his domination of regional politics

On 22-23 March, Algiers hosts the League of Arab States summit and will consummate its return to the top table of Arab politics, or so President Abdelaziz Bouteflika believes. The ...

Military matters

The 3 August announcement that Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Mohamed Lamari had resigned for health reasons (for treatment in Spain for an eye condition) came after weeks of ne...

Displaying 71-80 out of 121 results.