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Population: 46.63m
GDP: $266.78bn
Debt: 46.4 % of GDP (2024)

news from Algeria

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Found 121 articles.

Displaying 31-40 out of 121 results.

A stasis of emergency

Bouteflika looks certain to stand again. Sick, isolated and out of ideas, he is a cipher for a political system that is out of time

President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's quiet mid-January visit to his cardiologist in Grenoble reminded Algerians that for all the country's economic and social problems, politics remain...

The sick men of North Africa

Grey heads are rolling throughout the establishment as Bouteflika’s circle purges rivals, clearing the way for his fifth term of office

Presidents routinely use 1 November, when Algeria commemorates the start of its war of liberation from France, to call for accelerated economic reforms which will reduce reliance o...

Dead in the water

How long can an ailing Abdelaziz Bouteflika preside over an Algerian polity cankered by corruption?

Only in Algeria could a surge in calls for President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to stand for a fifth term in the 2019 presidential election trigger speculation that the 81-year-old raïs'...

Cold war and glacial change

Hostility to Morocco will persist and the political system will stay frozen, as the Western Sahara issue languishes

Speculation around the scheduled 2019 presidential election says much about the snail's pace at which Algeria's political class moves. Front de libération nationale (FLN) loyalists...

Guns, gas and nukes

Guns, gas and nuclear cooperation were among the goodies offered by Russian Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev in a 72-hour tour of Algiers and Rabat between 9 and 11 October.

The state stays captured

The end of Tebboune's short premiership underlines who holds real influence in Algiers and could mark a deeper shift in the power structure

A respected senior technocrat who dared to take on the 'oligarchs' making huge fortunes in alliance with the head of state and his family has met his political end. There was priva...

Polls provide no answers

Election apathy and crony capitalism remain untouched by Algeria's latest brush with democracy

Many of Algeria's décideurs – those who hold the reins of power – are relieved that France's presidential election saw a younger generation of establishment cand...

Bouteflika unbowed

Could Algeria's power-brokers really be serious about engineering a fifth term for their infirm and wheelchair-bound President? 

Since winning since a fourth term in April 2014, 79-year-old President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has shown little appetite for giving up the reins of power, at least until a succession ...

Political plots in a slow month

The latest reshuffle promises more effective economic policies but the generals keep a wary eye on the presidential clan

Amid the more relaxed atmosphere of the month of Ramadan, political soothsayers in Algiers are swinging from one forecast, such as the revived ruling clique beginning serious econo...

Displaying 31-40 out of 121 results.