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World Bank


news by category: World Bank

Found 69 articles.

Displaying 11-20 out of 69 results.

Governments pushed close to the edge

Africa's slowing growth heightens worries on food security, debt service costs, roaring inflation and climate finance

The global downturn will hit Africa's economies harder than any other region according to the latest forecast from the International Monetary Fund: average growth in Africa is set ...

Alarms sound on debt, inflation and food

International financial institutions warn that economic dislocation from Moscow's war on Ukraine could trigger social upheaval on the continent

Senior officials in the UN and other international agencies have been ratcheting up their analyses of the damage to Africa's economies following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Ahunn...

Trade curbs and price spikes deepen food crisis

Big grain producers are imposing export controls and farmers face rocketing fertiliser costs

Without concerted international action about 400 million people, many in Africa, will face chronic food shortages due to disruptions after Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, according t...

Africans in the lead

By the end of this year, two of the most important international organisations, the World Trade Organization and the World Bank's private sector arm, the International Finance Corp...

Diversification or bust

The Bretton Woods Institutions warn that it's no good waiting for another commodity boom

Governments and companies in Africa should not expect an early recovery of their commodity exports to boost flagging trade, says Albert Zeufack, the World Bank's Chief Economist fo...

Displaying 11-20 out of 69 results.