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European Union


news by category: European Union

Found 154 articles.

Displaying 141-150 out of 154 results.


The European Union has managed to persuade the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states to open negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), due to bring in free trad...

Talking, at least

Amid the gloom around the Great Lakes, reviving the Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL) can do no harm and might do good. The Community, out of action sin...

Replaying the aid game

Transforming Europe means changing its post-colonial trade relations too

With ten new members coming aboard in May, a new constitution the subject of fierce debate and the European Parliament facing elections in May 2004, the European Union is in a stat...

Money, perhaps

The European Commission proposes to spend 250 million euros to back peacekeeping operations in Africa and European Union ministers will soon decide whether to go ahead. This was fo...

A can of subsidised worms

Europe is offering reforms to its restrictive farm policies, but Africans fear footing the bill

Reforms to the European Union's controversial Common Agricultural Policy adopted in Luxembourg on 26 June have met a mixed reception in Africa. While subsidising European farmers i...

Who loses?

While some developing countries, such as competitive wheat and beef exporters like Argentina, would like the Common Agricultural Policy reform to be intensified, many African agric...

Brussels dawn

It was dawn in Brussels on 9 December when ministers from the European Union and the African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) nations wearily ended their negotiations. They had failed to ...

Trading standards

Negotiations for the Lomé Convention’s successor opened in Brussels on 30 September. The deafening lack of publicity reflected the climate of doom: many see this as the end of the ...

Displaying 141-150 out of 154 results.