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news by category: Economy

Found 100 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 100 results.

Putting the country to work

The new grand industrial strategy is the most important economic initiative since GEAR

After many years of debate among politicians, business and unions, the draft of a grand industrial strategy for South Africa has emerged in time for the party conference in Decembe...

Unity on a smaller scale

The newly enlarged East African Community contains just under Nigeria's population, with only half of its GDP.

The East African Community has formally welcomed Burundi and Rwanda, which signed the accession treaty on 18 June. Yet the entry of two small, poor, landlocked, Francophone countri...

Books on the boom

Africa's oil boom has inspired three very different books, which investigate the links between the billions of petrodollars and the persistent poverty and oppression reigning in so many oil-rich states.

Africa produces far less than the Middle East: around 2.6 million barrels a day from Nigeria and close to 2 mn. b/d from Angola by the end of 2008, compared to Saudi Arabia's 9 mn....

The clock turns back

He came to power in 2005 with a reputation as a nationalist bruiser with hardline views and a dubious past of Marxist policies and human rights abuses. Since then, President Armand...

Africa's new debtors

As Western campaigners congratulate themselves on achieving the cancellation or reduction of African countries' foreign debts, the grateful recipients are seeking new ways to borro...

Stop thief

British High Court Justice Peter Smith has found that ex-President Frederick Chiluba stole US$46 million of state funds from Zambia between 1991 and 2002 (AC Vol 46 No 20). In a 22...

Enter the capitalists

The World Bank and IMF are bullish about African economic growth in 2007, predicting rates of 5.3% and 5.9% respectively

Africa's economies were buoyed by international conditions, improved domestic policies, increased exports to China and high commodity prices. However, African economies are more se...

Powering up

Overseas investment in aluminium helps the Eastern Cape and requires more investment in power

Alcan is to build a US$2.7 billion smelter at the Coega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ) in South Africa's Eastern Cape. This could salvage the Zone's faltering fortunes - and the...

Displaying 81-90 out of 100 results.