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African Union


news by category: African Union

Found 76 articles.

Displaying 61-70 out of 76 results.

Diversions and deviations at the Summit

Pressing issues on Somalia, Sudan and the global financial crisis were sidelined by a protracted argument about continental government

'At least our meetings with Libya's Moammar el Gadaffi as Chairman won't be boring', said one official ruefully at the African Union's 1-4 February summit in Addis Ababa. As if to...

Nkrumah's second coming

Fifty years after Ghana's leader mooted plans for a United States of Africa, the Accra summit replays the arguments without conclusion

Supporters of Ghana's founding President, Kwame Nkrumah, found the African Union summit in Accra on 1-3 July both a tribute and a huge frustration. Billed as the 'Grand Debate', it...

The snubbing of Sudan

Delegates bar President Omer from the AU Chairmanship but fail to step up pressure for UN peacekeepers in Darfur

As a majority of African states faced down the efforts of Sudan, Egypt and the Arab League to win the African Union Chairmanship for Sudan's President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir, ...

Ghana's gain

The election of President John Kufuor to the Chairmanship of the African Union was a personal victory for his Foreign Minister and presidential aspirant, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Add...

How to run a continent

Grand plans for a new African development agency are on the agenda for the AU summit on 22-24 January

Like many, Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade thinks the African Union's New Partnership for Africa's Development (NePAD) has failed after five years of existence. Wade was at the ...

Peace and security

The African Union faces a double test – in Sudan and now in Somalia

On paper, the AU has the right - even the duty - to intervene in the crises of its members. The worst problems are now in north-east Africa: in Sudan, where civilians need protecti...


The rivalry between the African Union (AU) and the New Programme for Africa's Economic Development (NePAD) resurfaced at a conference on China in Africa, organised by the South Afr...

Posturing outweighs the policy

The Banjul summit failed to make progress on the main security and economic issues facing Africa

A week of African Union meetings in Banjul helps to explain why energetic Chairman Alpha Oumar Konaré is telling friends that he won't seek a second term next year. He says ...

Displaying 61-70 out of 76 results.