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West Africa


news by category: West Africa

Found 51 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 51 results.


Huge numbers of West Africans hope to make a living abroad but find barriers in neighbouring countries and the rich West

The loss of more than 200 lives on 30 March, when a ship carrying African migrants to Europe sank off the coast of Libya, prompted calls for rich countries to ease their strictures...

Before and after the voting

Ghana’s close-fought but well-run election will set a new standard for competitive politics in Africa

NIGERIA: Reform and unrest The Supreme Court’s validation of President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua’s contentious 2007 election victory will do little to stabilise Nigeria’s fractious poli...

Abuja writes the playbook, Beijing brings the players

Who is fooling whom in the scheming over oil and gas reserves?

On the face of it, the speculation that China could take over US$50 billion worth of Nigeria's oil reserves currently licensed to Western oil majors is on the outer reaches of po...

Cocaine coast

Ghana, Guinea-Bissau and Mauritania were singled out as key locations for drugs transhipments by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's (UNODC) report for 2008. Diplomatic ...

Kingmakers and charlatans

Nigeria’s presidential contenders head for the courts while Ghana’s political veterans head for the hustings

A difficult year lies ahead for Nigerians as the political class manoeuvres for advantage in the aftermath of the chaotically rigged elections of April 2007. Legal chicanery, polit...

From war to peace

Hopes are high that two of West Africa’s most war-devastated states – Liberia and Sierra Leone – will both see substantial turnarounds in 2008. Both governments have in place impre...

From Tokyo to Bamako

Japan is increasing its visibility in Mali and the rest of Africa in preparation for the TICAD IV and G8 summits

Malian President Amadou Toumani Touré (ATT) finally has something to show for his consistent performance as one of Japan's biggest proponents in Africa with the opening of t...

Post-war hopes hit trouble

A trip along the West African seaboard today might persuade an averagely optimistic traveller that life is getting better

Several countries have seen political progress with freer elections and freer newspapers. Many of the conflicts along the arc of crisis, which ran westwards from Abidjan towards Se...

The cocaine web spreads

Latin America's druglords are doing multimillion dollar business with West Africa's military and their politician pals

From their heydays in Nigeria in the 1980s, Latin America's druglords are diversifying their business in Africa. Nigerian traders still play a key role: they are regarded as world ...

Displaying 21-30 out of 51 results.