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news by category: Africa

Found 843 articles.

Displaying 741-750 out of 843 results.

Cottoning on to the WTO

Africans may ally with Brazilians against the USA to seek a fair deal for cotton experts

Encouraged by Brazil, African cotton producers are opposing the subsidy proposals in United States President George W. Bush's Farm Bill. Several West and Central African countries,...


US government departments are fighting for control of President George W. Bush's trumpeted Millennium Challenge Account, eventually worth US$5 billion a year.

Uranium trail

British Premier Tony Blair's claim that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein tried to get 'significant quantities of uranium from Africa' seems to be drawn from sources in South Africa a...

Water music

The much-maligned World Summit on Sustainable Development may have pulled off one success, not so much in endorsing the goal of halving the number of those who lack access to water...

Climbing to the summit

Rich countries may help on peacekeeping and health but will offer little to African exporters

In Canada's Rocky Mountain retreat of Kananaskis, leaders of rich countries will meet on 26-27 June to hammer out an African action plan on trade, aid, security and development. Of...

Ancien régime

France may claim to have invented human rights but it has seen its role as the champion of liberty usurped by American, British and Scandinavian governments and private foundations...

Bank accountability

The United States Congress may compel US banks to disclose accounts held by foreign politicians, when state funds may have been stolen. On 9 May, the House of Representatives Finan...

Steal community

Europe's vested interests could block the anti-corruption reforms pushed by, among others, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Council of Europ...

African energy

Western concerns about instability in the Middle East send oil companies south

The United States and its allies have discovered Africa again. After 11 September, and with the Middle East on the boil, African oil and gas encourage Western powers to believe the...

The other Tanzanite

France's first military exercise in English-speaking Africa, Tanzanite III on 11-22 February, got top marks in public, while its sponsors carried on bickering about what to 'do' ab...

Displaying 741-750 out of 843 results.