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news by category: Africa

Found 843 articles.

Displaying 731-740 out of 843 results.

The new American way

Africa's hopes of fairer trade, debt relief and more help to tackle the AIDS pandemic are being thwarted by deepening divisions between rich countries over the Iraq war. Growing an...

Oil empires

Some US hawks see African oil as a strategic alternative to Gulf oil. The reality is less dramatic

Africa will be a net loser from the war in Iraq. Even if the war ends quickly, the effects of higher oil prices and the redirection of trade, investment and aid to the Middle East ...

Jacques is back

France's triumphal return to Africa is marred only slightly by the tricky problems it faces there

It was an impressive turnout. Forty-two heads of state or government braved the icy cold of Paris and its unlovely Porte Maillot conference centre for the biennial Franco-African ...

A long march

China's decision last week to send 220 peacekeeping troops to the beleaguered Mission de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo (MONUC) ...

Rebel forces, market forces

Côte d'Ivoire's civil war may have boosted cocoa prices but it has also closed the processing plants

Alongside Côte d'Ivoire's horrific descent into civil war has been the almost equally devastating economic fall out and its effects on lives and jobs. Several major factories have ...

The view from the Seine

France again shows a surer hand in Africa but old allies shouldn't expect an easy ride

France's hyperactive Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin has been on the road again in Africa, visiting six countries in three days last week as he sought to break the deadlock ...

Who's for the White House?

Washington promises carrots for its allies and sticks for all the rest

The leaders of Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti and other east African countries will visit the United States in the next few months for a regional mini-summit with President George W. Bu...

Walter's woes

Walter H. Kansteiner III looks worried. The trigger for his troubles is his Sudan policy which has annoyed his White House mentor. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs ...

Intrigue in Beirut

Senegal's ex-President Abdou Diouf struggled to become Secretary General of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in Beirut on 20 October.

Displaying 731-740 out of 843 results.