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news by category: Africa

Found 843 articles.

Displaying 151-160 out of 843 results.

A slow road to recovery

The region’s economies on average will lose over 5% of output by 2024 relative to pre-pandemic trends, according to the IMF

Twenty months since Covid-19 first disrupted the global economy, the outlook for Africa's economies remains subdued. The upgrades by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World...

Elysée tries to reset history

Facing a tough election next year, President Macron is fighting off attacks from the far right and recasting Africa policy

Despite hosting a new-style dialogue with activists and artists and attending a commemoration in Paris for a long hushed-up 1961 massacre of Algerian demonstrators, Emmanuel Macron...

More on Air Blair

Tony Blair's secretive lightning tour of Africa in September and October included meetings with five presidents in four days, Africa Confidential has now been able to confirm, most...

Beijing uses its economic leverage

As geopolitical divides get sharper, China is accused of using debts owed by African states to compel support for its diplomatic and security goals

African diplomats are becoming exasperated by China's demands for diplomatic support on every issue from Covid-19's origins to the human rights of the Uighurs in Xinjiang province,...

How shadow states threaten democracies

Two new reports investigate how political leaders are subverting constitutional rule and handing power to business cronies

Call them illiberal democracies, elective dictatorships or 'no-party' politics, the global tide of authoritarianism with constitutional characteristics has been welcomed, sometimes...



International investigation into secret offshore accounts names Presidents of Kenya, Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon

Tax losses and illicit financial flows are growing a decade after a high-level African Union report calculated they were costing the continent over $60 billion a year

The leak of documents known as the Pandora Papers and published on 3 October showed that 35 current and former heads of state, three in Africa, along with over 330 public officials...



On the runway again with sights on a continental carrier

Two of Africa's biggest airlines are relaunching this month with longer-term plans to merge their operations 

Once African airline giants, massive financial losses and failed government rescue attempts have left Kenya Airways and South African Airways on life support. But both have set out...


Displaying 151-160 out of 843 results.