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news by category: Africa

Found 843 articles.

Displaying 91-100 out of 843 results.

Whitehall talks up its business aims

Liz Truss's government says its strategy will mean more trade and investment in Africa, but critics say there are fewer resources for the region

When she was Foreign Secretary a few months ago, Britain's new Prime Minister Liz Truss said her development strategy would pare back aid and promote business as a means to influen...

Interest rate pressures mount across region

Six African central banks hiked rates in September responding to faltering currencies and rising food and fuel prices

A concatenation of economic, financial and environmental pressures – ranging from the strengthening United States dollar, Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, slowing growth in Chin...

Geopolitical divides take centre stage at the UN

New policy statements on Africa from Washington and Brussels are being measured against sluggish actions on debt and climate policy

Russia's war on Ukraine dominated the best attended UN General Assembly for years – much to the detriment of progress on preparations for the COP27 climate summit and a more ...

What will Truss mean for Africa?

Although she heads the most diverse cabinet in Britain's history, new prime minister Liz Truss has shown little interest in engaging with African states

When it emerged on 5 September that Britain's new Prime Minister Liz Truss was likely to appoint politicians of African descent to four of the most senior positions in her cabinet ...



Rabat turns fertiliser diplomacy to its advantage

Washington is backing Morocco's efforts to boost supplies which could undercut Russia's attempts at economic diplomacy in Africa

Competition for fertiliser and the minerals needed to make it are intensifying after Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. The war is set to drive a 7% drop in global fertiliser production...


Displaying 91-100 out of 843 results.