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Climate change


news by category: Climate change

Found 34 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 34 results.

Stalemate on climate finance talks irks African negotiators

After technical negotiations over green transition funds in Bonn hit a deadlock, talks are to resume at the UN General Assembly in September

Despite hopes of progress on climate finance for Africa at recent UN negotiations, an impasse emerged at the interim SB60 meeting held in Bonn, Germany from 3 to 13 June. Critical ...

Calls grow to regulate ballooning carbon credits

President William Ruto holds up carbon trading as his country’s next big export but climate activists want much tighter controls

By elevating carbon credits to the top of the climate finance agenda President William Ruto has made Kenya a key player on environment policy in Africa. He has won public backing f...

Bonn talks deadlock on finance

Despite hopes of progress on climate finance for Africa at recent UN negotiations, an impasse emerged at the interim SB60 meeting held in Bonn from 3 to 13 June. Critical issues fo...

What did the UN COP28 Climate summit deliver for Africa?

The final communiqué at the end of the UN COP28 summit in Dubai on 13 December produced what its authors hailed as a breakthrough – it approved a roadmap for 'transitioning away from fossil fuels' | By Tim Concannon

It was a first for a UN Climate Conference. But it stopped short of what many delegates had called for – 'a phase-out' of the use of coal, gas and oil. Following the transition roa...



Mind the adaptation gap

Funding for the continent's economies to adapt to extreme weather falls far short of the rising demand

Government spending on climate change adaptation projects across Africa is currently ten times higher than support for adaptation, according to a new report by the UN Environment P...


Displaying 1-10 out of 34 results.