The biggest of these is the demonstration effect: the overthrow of leaders such as Hosni Mubarak Zine el Abidine Ben Ali and Moammar el Gadaffi has reinforced the determination of Africans to oust autocratic and incompetent regimes...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 5 |
Increasingly conscious of its image abroad Beijing got its more robust diplomats to defend its support for Libya’s Moammar el Gadaffi last year and Syria’s Bashar al Assad this year...
Chinese companies had some US$20 billion in housing railway and telecommunications contracts with Moammar el Gadaffi’s regime; the projects are now war-scarred and neglected...
Vol 52 No 25 |
Salafist fighters showed their mettle during the conflict to overthrow Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi but how electors will reward that is unknown; the conventional wisdom is that the jihadists will remain a minority...
A wild card has been thrown into the mix with the return from Libya of hundreds of heavily-armed Tuareg fighters who had been serving Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi...
‘We had a powerful degree of commitment with Moammar Gadaffi...
Never one of Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi’s allies (he once called for Nigeria to be broken up) Abuja spoke in favour of UN action pushing South Africa into a corner...
Both men were staunch oppositionists who followed academic careers in the United States and neither had any dealings with the regime that Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi led for 42 years...
North African inspiration After the bloody demise of Libya’s Moammar el Gadaffi another of his allies who faced the same criticism Dos Santos has inherited the mantle of Africa’s longest-serving head of state...
Two teams of South African mercenaries are believed to have helped members of the Gadaffi family to escape from Libya and may have tried to save the late Libyan leader Moammar el Gadaffi himself intelligence and diplomatic sources in Johannesburg told Africa Confidential...
The securocrats are rattled by the use of the social networks during the ‘Arab Spring’ and the grisly demise of Moammar el Gadaffi sent a chill down their spines...