Vol 3 (AAC) No 11 |
President Jacob Zuma's August trip to China completed the final stage of his tour this year of the BRIC - Brazil Russia India and China - economies...
Vol 3 (AAC) No 11 |
The government has yet to resolve its spying spat with Libya and controversy continues to surround Daewoo's business dealings with the nephew of South African President Jacob Zuma (AAC Vol 3 No 10)...
Vol 3 (AAC) No 10 |
The business empire of Khulubuse Zuma a favourite nephew of President Jacob Zuma is growing at breakneck speed and strengthened by a raft of opaque deals with Chinese and South Korean companies...
One of Jacob Zuma's sons Duduzane worked with the Gupta family to buy the South African subsidiary of Toronto-listed Uranium One in May for $37 mn...
At each stop Jia sought to build ties with presidents and legislative leaders: Paul Biya and National Assembly President Cavayé Djibril in Cameroon Hifikepunye Pohamba and National Council Chair Asser Kapere in Namibia and Jacob Zuma and National Council of Provinces Chair Mninwa Mahlangu in South Africa...
Vol 50 No 25 |
Standing next to South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma on the podium Blatter grabbed Zuma’s hand and raised it aloft in triumph proclaiming: ‘We did it...
Vol 50 No 25 |
President Jacob Zuma has commissioned the Development Bank of Southern Africa to draw up a 20-year economic plan setting out broad policy parameters – which must balance the market economics of National Planning Commission head Trevor Manuel and more radical proposals from Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel...
Vol 50 No 24 |
South African President Jacob Zuma said the Southern African Development Community had reported to the CHOGM on current developments and a statement by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said he wanted to see Zimbabwe return...
Vol 50 No 24 |
President Jacob Zuma promised boosts in spending on health education security and rural development but the recession has limited Finance Minister Gordhan's discretionary spending growth to only R900 million and he allocated it all to HIV/AIDS...
Vol 50 No 23 |
The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and the SA Communist Party (SACP) have gained strength since they helped President Jacob Zuma into power in April...
Vol 50 No 23 |
Using defence tactics which had worked so well in Jacob Zuma's long battle against corruption charges in the run-up to his successful presidential bid Selebi has gone on the offensive accusing the prosecutors of pursuing a corrupt vendetta against him...