South African President Jacob Zuma is on good terms with Atiku; the two men built a friendship while serving as Vice-Presidents to Thabo Mbeki and Olusegun Obasanjo respectively...
On advice from South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma the referendum on a new constitution has slipped back to late 2011 and the elections probably into next year...
President Jacob Zuma still keeps it hushed up...
Vol 52 No 1 |
Two of these went to Caprikat and Foxwhelp controlled by a nephew of South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma Khulubuse Zuma...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 9 |
He then signed deals on joint oil exploration and nuclear research with South African President Jacob Zuma and discussed the Libyan crisis the G-20 and climate change...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 9 |
President Jacob Zuma then made him Minister of Police...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 8 |
Gadaffi to relinquish power and leave Libya it is South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma who has led the charge to find an exit strategy for Gadaffi (Africa Confidential Vol 52 No 8)...
The deal has dragged on and poor decisions by Aurora Empowerment – run by President Jacob Zuma’s nephew Khulubuse Zuma the President’s lawyer Michael Hully and Nelson Mandela’s grandson Zondwa Mandela – may have eroded Shandong Gold Mining’s interest...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 7 |
He sat on two panels with South African President Jacob Zuma one on the topic of climate change and the other on developing global cooperation...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 7 |
President Jacob Zuma and his team met their counterparts from Brazil Russia and India when China hosted their first summit in April in Hainan...