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Dr Hassan Abdullah el Turabi

Date of Birth: 1 February 1932
Place of Birth: Kassala, Eastern Sudan
Died: 5 March 2016

Displaying 131-140 out of 158 results.

Arranged marriages

At our press-time NIF leader Hassan el Turabi and Umma chief El Sadig el Mahdi were about to hold their second meeting...

The NIF goes on a charm offensive

Stories are spreading again of splits in the NIF especially between Hassan el Turabi and General Omer el Beshir...

Most controversially but less surprisingly in Geneva in early June Umma Party chief El Sadig el Sadeeg el Mahdi met the man who in 1989 overthrew him as elected Premier NIF leader Hassan Abdullah el Turabi; they are not incidentally brothers-in-law as frequently claimed...

Regional collisions

Hassan Abdullah el Turabi's NIF appeared to have earned the enduring hostility of Eritrean President Issayas Afeworki because of its support for Eritrean Islamic Jihad and the Eritrean Liberation Front of Abdullah Idris...

Abdullah's ELF (ELF-AI) has recruited both inside Eritrea and among Eritrean refugees in Sudan prompting Issayas to announce publicly that Hassan el Turabi and the NIF ‘had got to go'...

    Vol 40 No 1 |

Africa scrambles for Africa

Sudan’s National Islamic Front regime under the leadership of Hassan Abdullah el Turabi marketed its Islamist credentials after seizing power in 1989; it depicted the long-running war with southern oppositionists as a battle against infidels...

Standing on the south

* NIF: under opposition military pressure has offered self- determination referendum to various Sudan People' s Liberation Army factions most recently Colonel John Garang's; seen in north as divide-to-rule and time-buying tactic: process can be dragged on; it believes it can buy southern leaders but can only rent them; some in NIF think ‘losing' non-Muslim south is price of power in north; for others southern resistance ‘to Islam' and to the government makes south Dar el Harbera (Land of War as opposed to Dar el Islam); this is sub-text to countless atrocities and in effect to ‘kill or convert' policy; policy of spreading ‘civilisation project' abroad needs south as springboard; Hassan el Turabi has called the south the ‘gateway to Africa'; oil a further reason to hold south...

Bienvenue a` Ouaga

Eritrea and Ethiopia had been practical supporters (along with Rwanda and Uganda) of tearing up the OAU's doctrine of non-intervention in sovereign states' affairs; they joined the alliance to unseat Mobutu Sese Seko and are prime movers in the alliance to overthrow Hassan Abdullah el Turabi's National Islamic Front government in Sudan (whose titular head Gen...

Murder in the family

Khartoum strongman Hassan Abdullah el Turabi said God had ensured that Ethiopians and Eritreans turned on each other the weapons the USA had sent to destroy Sudan...

Marking time

NIF boss and National Congress Secretary General Hassan Abdullah el Turabi declared in February: ‘I do not like the party system' but ‘organised party politics is coming to Sudan'...

While implicitly repeating the NIF's claimed monopoly on Islam Hassan el Turabi was mocking the traditional parties El Sadig Sadeeg el Mahdi's Umma Party and Mohamed Osman el Mirghani's Democratic Unionist Party...

Displaying 131-140 out of 158 results.