At the centre of the crisis is Teodoro Nguema Obiang known as Teodorín Obiang's favourite son...
Teodorín is a dangerous irrational wealthy playboy who is feared and reviled...
His mother is Obiang's first wife Constancia Mangue Nsue Okomo and she (along with her own influential mother Okomo) are determined that Teodorín will win the power struggle...
Obiang himself backs Teodorín for cultural and family reasons...
Teodorín and the Okomo side are from the Obuk sub-clan from Mongomo while Obiang and many of his relations in this matrilineal society call themselves Esanguis...
Teodorín's and his mother's dependence on Obiang for political power is dangerous for Obiang himself...
Contenders for power from Mongomo and elsewhere know that with Obiang's exit and Teodorín's coming to power they would lose everything if not their lives...
This makes Obiang Teodorín's guarantor and an obstacle to the financial and political ambitions of many...
Teodorín has some popular support because of his regular but staggeringly hypocritical pronouncements on corruption broadcast on his popular news and music station Radio Asonga...
She is known as a São Tomense because her family line traces back to neighbouring São Tomé e Príncipe; as such Gabriel is an outsider and he is very different from Teodorín...
Gabriel is younger wears a baseball cap and was educated in America; he is also seen as much more politically capable than Teodorín...
The most important three (beyond Teodorín and Gabriel) are Obiang's brothers and half-brothers (and Teodorín's paternal uncles) General Armengol Ondo Nguema Gen...
These three are the pillars of the regime and Teodorín's most dangerous enemies; and now there are growing questions about their loyalty...
This prompted a heavy rebuke from him a big row with Teodorín and then a reported suicide attempt by Ndong Ona in mid-December...
Favourite son Many of Obiang's current problems date back to the appointment in February 2003 of Teodorín as Minister of Infrastructure and Forests...
Teodorín controls much of the infrastructure portfolio...
then had to secure approval from Teodorín's Ministry...
Compared by some to Iraq's late Uday Hussein Teodorín expanded his empire rapidly and started pressurising French Spanish and other foreign companies...