FARA filings show Ballard's staff lobbying the office of Chris Coons the senior Democrat on the Senate's Foreign Relations committee on 16 January the day before the US issued sanctions against Burhan...
A bill sponsored by Republican Jim Risch and Democrat Chris Coons had promised to expand AGOA's scope linking it with the African Continental Free Trade Agreement...
But a bipartisan bill sponsored by Republican Jim Risch and Democrat Chris Coons seeks to extend it until 2041 has been making slow progress...
United States senators are hoping to take US/Africa trade policy out of party politics in an election year with Republican Jim Risch and Democrat Chris Coons having tabled a bill that would extend duty-free access to the US market under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) until 2041...
The audit of the controversial August 2022 presidential elections and the scope of its mandate have been the most disputed topic facing the bipartisan National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) formed last year following intervention from United States Senator Chris Coons and former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo (AC Vol 64 No 19 Cross-party talks open carrots provided)...
We hear that Chris Coons the United States Senator who helped broker the 'handshake' between President Uhuru Kenyatta and Odinga in March 2018 is helping to shape the talks having met both political leaders in August (AC Vol 63 No 18 Brussels greets Ruto)...
United States Senator Chris Coons was dispatched to Nairobi for meetings with Ruto his opposition rival Raila Odinga and outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta following the official announcement of the 9 August election results but Borrell's is the first major diplomatic visit since Ruto's victory was confirmed by the Supreme Court on 5 September...
US Democratic Party Congressman Chris Coons a close ally of President Joe Biden is mobilising opinion to back a swingeing package of sanctions against the generals...
Last month Biden sent his close political ally the Africanist Christopher Coons to Addis to relay his deepening concerns about the humanitarian crisis in Tigray...
His admission on 23 March followed the visit of United States Senator Chris Coons a special envoy for US President Joe Biden and increasing pressure from the US and the European Union appalled by revelations of atrocities committed by Eritrean and Ethiopian troops and Amhara militia in Tigray (AC Vol 61 No 25 Abiy's mission in Mekelle)...