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Alain Juppé

Date of Birth: 15 August 1945
Place of Birth: Mont-de-Marsan, France

Displaying 21-29 out of 29 results.

The euro cometh

Since the CFA franc was devalued in January 1994 successive French governments under Edouard Balladur Alain Juppé and now Lionel Jospin have followed much the same policy: to help Franc Zone countries if the International Monetary Fund approves of their policies...

    Vol 39 No 1 |
  • MALI

Nous pas bouger

One fellow-traveller was Edmond Alphandéry once ex-Premier Alain Juppé's Economy and Finance Minister and now head of the Electricité de France...

Après le déluge – quoi?

Jacques Godfrain Cooperation Minister under defeated Premier Alain Juppé has gone and his ministry is demoted to a secretariat of state a move Godfrain fought off throughout his tenure...

Academic freedoms

Ben Ali strongly supported Séguin's candidacy to replace Alain Juppé as head of the Gaullist right...

Nouveaux venus

Jospin's ambiguity over European Monetary Union contrasts with outgoing Premier Alain Juppé's push to EMU by 1999 at all costs...

Low key in Ouaga

Prime Minister Alain Juppé promised root-and-branch reform of aid and cooperation policy when he took office...

    Vol 37 No 18 |
  • TOGO

The boss is back

Tickets to ParisIn May Eyadèma had refused to allow Kodjo to go on an official visit to Paris at the invitation of French Prime Minister Alain Juppé (the two premiers had been contemporaries at the elite École Nationale d'Administration)...

Rabat tries reform

In April he shared a platform with French Premier Alain Juppé to discuss Europe marking a new phase in the Crown Prince's grooming...

Safer franc?

Cuts are certain but (despite the wish of Premier Alain Juppé) the promised reform of aid policy has not been decided...

Displaying 21-29 out of 29 results.