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Central African Republic

Jean-Bedel Bokassa

Date of Birth: 22 February 1921
Place of Birth: Bobangui, Ubangi-Shari, French Equatorial Africa (Central African Republic)
Died: 3 November 1996

Displaying 1-10 out of 11 results.

Pre-election jitters

The funeral of Maryse the late wife of Jean-Serge Bokassa son of the former Central African Republic 'Emperor' Jean-Bedel Bokassa witnessed a serious incident which disrupted the ceremony and caused anxiety about the actions of President Faustin-Archange Touadéra's bodyguard and prospects for a peaceful election this month...

Memories of regimes past

Not only they say is he involved in a charismatic evangelical religious sect he has been reported to be frequently drunk something of a disadvantage when you are best-known as a son of the late notorious self-styled Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa...

Leaving the door open

Many moons earlier he was on the legal team that defended the disgraced former 'Emperor' Jean-Bedel Bokassa (head of state 1966-79) then became legal advisor to a certain Gen...

How high the summit

His closeness to and acceptance of a gift of diamonds from the late Central African Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa helped to lose him the presidency to François Mitterrand in 1981...

The Pinochet factor

African and European human rights groups had filed claims in several European countries against Kabila for crimes against humanity ranking him after only 18 months in power with Central African Republic's Jean-Bedel Bokassa and Uganda's Idi Amin Dada...

French leave

CAR's first three presidents were all Gbaka from Bobangui in the south-west – Barthélémy Boganda Jean-Bedel Bokassa and David Dacko...

Mutineers' mistake

Remembering his predecessor Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's dealings in 1979 with the then Emperor Jean- Bedel Bokassa Chirac may hesitate before jumping into the C...

Displaying 1-10 out of 11 results.