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El Sadeek Omer el Kabir

Date of Birth: November 1951

Displaying 1-6 out of 6 results.

Tensions around farcical leadership battle

The latest centres on the Presidency Council's decision to sack the governor of the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) El Sadeek Omer el Kabir and the reaction from the rival Benghazi-based Government of National Stability (GNS) which ordered a halt to oil production and exports to prevent oil revenues going to people ‘with dishonest hands' (Dispatches 3/9/24 Oil output collapses as central bank stand-off continues)...

Government by chequebook

Since then Dubaiba has been using his trump card – the support of Central Bank governor Sadek Elkabber and access to the bank's coffers – to buy support and secure his position for the foreseeable future (AC Vol 63 No 13 Plan mooted to settle east-west split)...

Plan mooted to settle east-west split

The HoR has said that it will take action against anyone who does not implement the budget and talks of achieving this by replacing CBL governor Sadek Elkabber with his Benghazi-based deputy Ali Hibri who ran the 'parallel CBL' for eight years in the east...

Battle for the bureaucrats

Likewise the CBL in Tripoli is controlled by its Governor El Sadeek Omer el Kabir who is suspected of Islamist sympathies but claims to be independent (AC Vol 53 No 3 From Gadaffi to Qatar)...

From Gadaffi to Qatar

In June 2011 his son Ibrahim Dubaiba established a charity called Isnab in Britain with El Sadeek Omer el Kabir who became Central Bank of Libya Governor in September and the powerful Doha-based Libyan imam Ali el Salabi...

Displaying 1-6 out of 6 results.