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Tendai Laxton Biti

Date of Birth: 6 August 1966
Place of Birth: Dzivaresekwa, Harare

Displaying 41-50 out of 127 results.

So far, so bad

MDC-Tsvangirai recalled the MDC-Renewal Team supporters of Tendai Biti and Elton Mangoma only to confirm it would not fight bye-elections before electoral reforms had been implemented...

Bye any means

Fourteen of the vacancies stem from the decision by Morgan Tsvangirai's faction the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai to recall members of parliament associated with Tendai Biti's faction MDC-Renewal...

MDC can't exploit ZANU-PF splits

Earlier in the year Tendai Biti the star Finance Minister in the previous Government of National Unity had formed a ginger group the MDC Renewal Team with a number of other leading lights from the coalition government...

Scramble for the top

It did not improve when MDC ‘rebel leader' Tendai Biti the MDC Secretary General and former Finance Minister and Tsvangirai each ‘suspended' the membership of the other...

Unsuccessful successions

By the year's end MDC heavyweights Elias Mudzuri exiled Treasurer Roy Bennett and former ministers Elton Mangoma and Tendai Biti were suggesting that it was time to give a new leader a crack at the job...

Success needs succession

During the coalition government the MDC Finance Minister Tendai Biti engineered something of an economic recovery but that has now been frittered away and the economy is in severe danger of slipping back to the chaos that marked 2008 (AC Vol 49 No 21 A diamond power play Mugabe rearranges the deckchairs & Hunger stalks the land)...

Arms-for-minerals trades exposed

These and other deals needed ratification by Tendai Biti the MDC Finance Minister under the coalition but he refused...

Former Finance Minister Tendai Biti reacted to Chinamasa's proposal last month by describing it as immoral and ‘difficult to see these deals being liberated from the scourge and cancer of corruption'...

Struggles with the economy

It is becoming clear that the cost of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front's July electoral victory is the loss of the financial credibility built up by Tendai Biti of the Movement for Democratic Change who was Finance Minister in the coalition government for its last four years...

Van Hoogstraten in airline sell-off

loan in June 2011 but Tendai Biti Finance Minister of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) which was then in a coalition government with ZANU-PF furiously rejected the notion saying ‘over my dead body' and calling the Briton a ‘loan shark'...

Displaying 41-50 out of 127 results.