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Tendai Laxton Biti

Date of Birth: 6 August 1966
Place of Birth: Dzivaresekwa, Harare

Displaying 31-40 out of 127 results.

ZANU-PF digs for votes

The opposition People's Democratic Party led by the Finance Minister in the former coalition government Tendai Biti has argued that ZESA was forced to give the Mugabe family the Dema project so that they could 'join the feeding trough and ZANU-PF's gravy train'...

Getting ready for trouble

This comes as opposition politicians such as former Finance Minister Tendai Biti and sacked Vice-President Joice Mujuru accuse top government officials of land grabbing...

Patriotism, politics and position

The parties include that led by Morgan Tsvangirai former Prime Minister in the National Unity government the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai (MDC-T); Welshman Ncube's MDC faction; former Vice-President Joice Mujuru's Zimbabwe People First; Tendai Biti's People's Democratic Party; Simba Makoni's Mavambo/Kusile/Dawn; and Elton Mangoma's Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe (AC Vol 57 No 9 Morgan goes it alone)...

Former Finance Minister Tendai Biti said the government wanted to use bond notes to repay its growing US dollar arrears to individuals and companies in the country...

Morgan goes it alone

'Mob-ocracy'The PDP is led by Tendai Biti former MDC Secretary General and respected Finance Minister in the coalition government with ZANU-PF before he broke away in 2014...

Dollar curbs anger bigwigs

The Movement for Democratic Change former Finance Minister Tendai Biti previously related how he had briefed Mugabe on the looting in Marange but was dismissed with the comment: 'Why go after diamonds how about platinum…...

Mujuru goes for glory

Opposition sources suggest that Tendai Biti said to have already held private talks with PF emissaries was amenable to a working pact with Mujuru...

Opposition watches and waits

Tendai Biti's MDC-Renewal team was to have held its inaugural congress on 24 August proposing to change its name to the People's Democratic Party...

Ruling and unruly parties

That faction's leading lights Tendai Biti and Elton Mangoma also fell out and decided to go their separate ways...

Bye-bye unity

In Harare East which MDC's Tendai Biti narrowly held in 2013 the nomination rows slipped into farce...

Displaying 31-40 out of 127 results.