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Tendai Laxton Biti

Date of Birth: 6 August 1966
Place of Birth: Dzivaresekwa, Harare

Displaying 101-110 out of 127 results.

Tsvangirai carries the can

Several African bankers who attended the Zimbabwe roadshows in Cape Town on 10-12 June told Africa Confidential they would open negotiations having been convinced to sign up by Finance Minister Tendai Biti Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara and Harare's omnipresent financial baron Nigel Chanakira...

Until the stout lady sings

ZANU-PF backbenchers were equally outraged at Gono's instruction to return the vehicles not to him but to Tendai Biti's Finance Ministry...

Crime and amnesty

Finance Minister Tendai Biti told Africa Confidential that amnesty talks were going on...

From retreat to turnaround

The idea of the retreat was to bring the former sworn opponents together in Zimbabwe's most expensive and picturesque hotel to consider proposals from the new Finance Minister Tendai Biti...

Good-bye to Zimbabwe's dollar

The decision to drop the Zimbabwe dollar was taken by Finance Minister Tendai Biti and Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Gideon Gono then confirmed by the Council of Ministers...

Tendai Biti has a plan

Finance Minister Tendai Biti has emerged as the key figure in Zimbabwe's economic recovery walking the uneasy path between securing external finance from sceptical outsiders and dealing with his crafty colleagues from President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front...

Sanctions and finance

In London for the G-20 summit on 2 April African Development Bank President Donald Kaberuka told Africa Confidential that Zimbabwe’s Finance Minister Tendai Biti was making headway: ‘Since this global political accord things are much better than they were six months ago...

Caviar and cholera

Aside from the detainees the most conspicuous tension is between Finance Minister Tendai Biti and Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono who countermand each other's directives...

Worthless cash

Tendai Biti the MDC Finance Minister talks of linking the Zimbabwe dollar to a basket of currencies such as the dollar and the rand...

Displaying 101-110 out of 127 results.