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Getachew Reda

Date of Birth: June 1974
Place of Birth: Alamata, Wollo Province, Ethiopia

Displaying 11-20 out of 21 results.

Into the hell of war, again

A further official statement on 18 October by Tigray spokesperson Getachew Reda claimed that the ENDF had collapsed entirely and no longer existed as an organised force...


Lies, damned lies and statistics

In fact there is no difference on their core political aims but Gen Tsadkan's camp sees the shrill and belligerent language used by Debretsion's spin doctor Getachew Reda as counter-productive...

Fighting escalates as federal ties fray

TDF spokesman Getachew Reda dismissed the ceasefire offer demanding a full withdrawal of Eritrean troops and Amhara regional forces from Tigray before it would talk about a ceasefire...

No good options on the table

Tigrayan spokesman Getachew Reda confirmed there has been fresh fighting over the weekend insisting the TDF wanted only to weaken federal forces not take territory...

Tigray's spokesman Getachew Reda is playing up the Eritrean role demanding the immediate exit of their officials and intelligence agents from Ethiopia...


Government's war plan falls apart

Getachew Reda spokesman for the TDF says it will not reciprocate with its own ceasefire declaration until Eritrean troops withdraw north of the border and fighters from the Amhara ethnic militias have left the western part of Tigray region bordering Sudan...


Prize fight

' This was assumed to be aimed at the loquacious Getachew Reda a critical TPLF politburo member who has also been mulling a book (AC Vol 57 No 24 New faces old tactics)...


Trouble in the engine room

A positive sign was the promotion of capable figures such as the former Communications Minister Getachew Reda and the current Finance Minister Abraham Tekeste to the TPLF's Executive Committee yet it is hard to see how they or any other party leaders will achieve fundamental reform (AC Vol 58 No 15 Reforms stall as unrest eases)...

New faces, old tactics

His predecessor Getachew Reda Kahsay of the EPRDF's founding party the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) was well-connected with previous stints in the Foreign Ministry and the Prime Minister's Office yet he failed to improve public relations...

Getachew Reda for example now heads the Justice and Legal System Research Institute...

Dam provocations

So said Ethiopian Communications Minister Getachew Reda in an interview by the Saudi Arabian-owned newspaper Asharq al Awsat on 27 May...

Displaying 11-20 out of 21 results.